Thursday, October 17, 2013

.begin again.

“so what do we do? anything. something. so long as we just don't sit there. if we screw it up, start over. try something else. if we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late."- Lee Iacocca

starting over. 

it's never easy. not for me. I'm a creature of habit, who relishes in the fact that for the most part, she knows what to expect out of her everyday life. I like routine. structure. planning. take that from me, and suddenly my world is spinning on its axis. it's ironic, really. for someone who hates change so much, I sure do put myself through a lot of it. 

every fall for the last three years I have immersed myself in something new. I have picked up my life and moved here and there in search of adventure. this past august was no exception. after spending a year in north carolina loving on little ones, reciting ABC'S, reviewing multiplication tables, fixing boo-boos, and taking every moment I could to give in to my inner child, I found the courage to take a leap. 

I absolutely love being in a room surrounded by precious kiddos, all sporting their adorable, mischievous grins. after months of being given the opportunity to spend my days in the classroom, I was finally able to admit to myself that I wanted to teach. wanted my own group of little ones to pour my heart into. 

so I did it. I packed up all my things, threw them in my car, and made my way back to Georgia. now that I'm here it hardly feels real. in fact I'm almost positive that I spent the first three weeks in a daze. it's true that there are many reasons for which I had the desire to move. but mostly I just couldn't wait to start working toward my own classroom. I was so excited. and also tremendously scared. thankfully, I have the best support system in the world. this is not an embellishment or exaggeration. it's simply the truth. 

and even though I have certainly had my moments of panic in the last two months, I have also been given the grace to begin again. to jump headlong into a brand-new adventure. because I know now more than ever that I am not doing this alone. and for this I am so very grateful.    

so, what have I been up to the last couple of months you ask? classes mostly. I've spent many hours rediscovering my nerdy self, and burying my face in books. I've also been desperately trying to decorate my little apartment, so that it feels more like home. (pictures coming soon) I love it here, and I am so thankful for the blessing to be exactly where I am. 

I may not like change very much. but at least my kicking and screaming is not powerful enough to ruin the good things it brings.

another year you made a promise. another chance to turn it all around. and do not save this for tomorrow. embrace the past and you can live for now. and I will give the world to you." -A Great Big World 

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