Friday, October 18, 2013

.another trip around the sun.

"I have flying monkeys. And I'm not afraid to use them!"

those words greeted me happily as I entered a sweet little cabin in the woods, in hendersonville, nc, last wednesday evening. after two months of working my tail off, and getting through mid-terms, I took a little break to visit some of the best people I know. on a sunny october afternoon, I hopped on a bus and made my way back to the mountains. this year, I didn't just have a birth-DAY, it was more like a birth-WEEK. and it was so special.  

you see, last year was one of the most challenging years of my adult life. for many reasons. don't worry, I'm not going to torture you with all of the awful details. suffice it to say, that a struggle is made so much worse when you allow a stubborn unforgiving attitude to govern your actions. thankfully, even though I fought it with everything I had, I was blessed with a friend.

a bright spot in all the chaos. lovely, jill.

she has one of the sweetest spirits I have ever encountered. and though I'm sure she'd love to argue, I have a suspicion that where our friendship is concerned, she may be getting the raw end of the deal. (okay, maybe not...) but really. she has such a genuine heart, inspires me daily to strive for honesty, and oh my goodness can this girl make me laugh! (that might be my favorite thing about her. but I'm getting off topic here...I can't help it! I love bragging on the amazing people God brings into my life!) the point is, that even after a difficult year, and being more ready to move than I could ever tell you, I also had a wonderful reason to come back. 

as a special treat for myself, I had decided to come and surprise all the little munchkins that I worked with last year. the fact that I had a chance to stay in the company of this lovely lady, and her fabulous husband was just a fringe benefit! ;) so, I spent two days walking about the halls of the school I used to work in, and getting many hugs and surprised gasps from excited little ones. fun fact? hugs from seven year-olds are good for the soul. really. try it sometime. 

and the treats just kept on coming. I spent my friday evening at the theater hooping and hollering with the best of them, as my dear friend took her bows with the rest of the talented cast. (have I mentioned she's crazy-brave? yeah.) 

and saturday morning I woke to birthday candles in my french toast breakfast.

finally heading home was incredibly bittersweet. but it also came with an affirmation that I am right where I am supposed to be. not mention, a bit more fun. saturday night I found myself babysitting two of the cutest kiddos ever.  we made a trip to the pool, ate pizza, and spent the rest of the evening watching Home Alone.

sweet sophia. :)
Sunday was a day for catching up with a different pair of my asheville favorites. we had good food, lots of laughs, and even more hugs. in the end my heart was so full, that I thought it might burst. I could not have asked for a better way to bring in a brand new year of my life! I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm a blessed girl. 

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."-Marcel Proust

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