Sunday, June 23, 2013

.salute to j-o-y.

"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person."
 -Audrey Hepburn 

this is becoming more and more true in my life every day. and it's so simple. 

to laugh.
 to find a moment of joy that is so overwhelmingly wonderful, you can't help but share it. that telltale giddy feeling that bubbles up from deep within your chest until you have no choice but to burst into a fit of giggles. or let out a stream of hearty laughter. 

it has become such an integral part of  each passing moment for me. especially lately. it sounds silly, no? you must be thinking, "laughing is really that important to you? c'mon." but it is. this year has presented me with one of the greatest challenges I have ever faced. I've never felt more out of my element. I've been away from everything and everyone I know and love. and I've been wading my way through a place and a people whose perspective and opinions on life are completely the opposite of my own. and finding true community has proved impossible. call me coddled if you wish, but I had never experienced anything like this before.

and as the months passed. laughter. and joy .and ease. they began to disappear.
they became less and less frequent. and I spent many months shaking my fist angrily at God and accusing Him of dumping me here and forgetting all about me. my life was becoming a domino run of disaster. this I'm afraid, is only the tip of the iceberg. (and I'm not going to lie. I'm still working my way out of this black hole)

but thankfully. I have a God who is so much greater than everything and anything that I could ever imagine. and He is willing to remind me over and over that He is there through everything. even when I'm too caught up myself to notice.

and thus comes my salute to j-o-y.

over the last few weeks. I have been overwhelmed by the amount of love that has been bestowed upon me. I truly believe that I have been blessed with the best friends in the entire world.
no exaggeration needed.

-the kind who jump in the car and drive. no matter how far away they live. simply because you need them.
-the kind who help you remember that the glass is half full. not half empty.
-the kind who will go the extra mile to make you smile. but love you just the same if you choose to cry.
-the kind who are cunning enough to take care of you. and trick you into thinking you are taking care of yourself.
the kind who remind you. "I was there once too. it gets better."
-the kind who listen.
-the kind who cry with you.

and above all the kind who make you laugh. I mean really laugh. the tears in your eyes. my ribs hurt. I can't breathe kind of laugh. the one that gives you such a sense of joy you have to share it. have to because it's impossible to keep it to yourself.

so. the point? why is this so important? it's easy.
because that's who God is.

He is: love. and joy. and peace. and acceptance.
He meets you where you are and wraps you in His arms not caring where you've been.
and I let myself forget.

but He has sent me a flood of reminders. and I am starting over.

there have been many good things as well. wonderful even. and I plan on sharing them soon.  for now. I'm packing things up in my house and getting ready to start a new season of my life in a place that I love. and I know I won't be doing it alone.

"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul..."-Proverbs 27:9

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